Friday, September 2, 2011

Big government control the gaps between what the rich have and what the poor have.

Big government control the gaps between what the rich have and what the poor have.

Here we go again with the idiot liberals picking on the rich. Who most rich people worked for it by using their creative minds and working like a dog to build their companies and produce their product in which their minds help to develop.
Did you know according to the government what they call poor is defined as this.
A poor household is declared to have only a refrigerator, a clothes washer, a stove, a DVD, a couple color Tvs, and a microwave.

Ask yourself how many basic common American citizens have cable and internet? Yep a ton. This so called poor man is able to obtain medical care and home is generally in good condition. Also did you know from the governments stand point that around 40% of people that are considered poor OWN THEIR HOMES. Hardly the poverty level they speak of on TV huh? Please! very few are actually poor in America. The American poor is not real poverty, look around the world. The difference is maybe a wealthy man may drive a corvette and a poor man drives a Toyota or Honda. Again still hardly poor. But don’t take my word for it, research it yourself. Remember the idiotic left is complaining that America is obesity, that’s the main nutrition problem facing the poor and all Americans, not hunger. But its ok because miss Obama will step in to tell you how to raise and feed your kids since your to stupid to, least that’s what the liberals believe.
Sorry idiot liberals if you haven’t caught up with the times. Back 100 years ago a rich man drove and a poor man walked and not all have the luxury of central heating and cooling in their homes. But thanks to that advancement in technology and thanks to that thing we call capitalism and free markets, OUR LIVES HAVE IMPROVED! So back off with your big government control.


  1. kudos. well illustrated how liberal minds quickly yell "the rich" to solve problems, but always fail to define what and who "the rich" even are. Since the 60's liberals have used this tiresome tactic to lure in people who are not only envious of others who have accomplished things in life or leaped over financial hurdles, but as you say, the typical liberal imply somehow it is "the rich" who have somehow forced them to be unsuccessful or pushed them to not try hard enough to reach their own goals.

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