Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big government protects the economy against big business.

Big government protects the economy against big business.

How long are you going to ride that scooter? You need to get a little more intellectual because I am about to destroy your lie. The largest companies in the United states can not compare to the power of the government. The government will never go out of business, they just keep writing checks their ass cant cash. However big businesses can go out of business because of the free trade market and competition. DUH! Do some of you remember Atari? How about Montgomery Wards? Sears? All about to fall or had to change their product or join together like Sears and K mart.
Even if businesses are large and successful nothing makes you buy their product. Is it mandatory you buy from Microsoft? Dell? Or General motors? NO! You can take your business else where if you so choose. But the government on the other hand could make it mandatory for you to buy this or that by regulation and laws they pass to get their greedy hands in your pocket book. The government isn’t affected by quality product control of the free market. All private businesses are. NEXT!

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